After much hard work by all concerned the FRONTIER books are now available. You can buy your copy on Amazon or go to your local bookshop and ask them to order it. All being well it should turn up in your local bookshop anyway some time soon but don't risk it, go ask them and give them the order info below. For anyone who is going to be at the conventions listed in the right hand column you may be lucky and catch either Jason or me or maybe both to get hold of a signed copy.
Its been a long journey to get to this point. Feels like we have trekked the whole way out west to the wild frontier to see this book appear but here we are. Many thanks to all our 'pardners' along the way. David Fickling and all the guys at TheDFC (now The Phoenix) who let us tell this story in the first place, Randomhouse for allowing us to get the book done, John Freeman and Ivo Milicevic at Print Media for publishing the book. But personally I would like to thank Jason for coming up with the idea in the first place. When we secured the rights to weave the discovered diary of Daisy Adams into a comic strip tale I always knew it would work. We have other big plans for Mitch and Daisy and believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet ;-)
• Print Media Productions books are available to order by bookshops through Gazelle Books: www.gazellebookservices.co.uk. Tel: +44 (0) 1524 68765 or Fax: +44 (0) 1524 63232. Email Customer Services: sales@gazellebooks.co.uk
• Print Media Production titles are available to order by UK comic shops through Diamond Comic Distributors, Canalside, Warrington Road, Manor Park Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1SN. Web: www.diamondcomics.com